Bodily movement, whether it pertains to professional dance and theatre, political
speeches, TikTok videos, or everyday interactions, has been brought to the forefront of an
academic field known as Performance Studies. This course explores movement broadly
defined, including various events such as concert dance, theatre, film, sports, leisure,
online content, and work. A number of theoretical frameworks will be used to understand
dance and movement. Lecture and workshop topics may include questions regarding how
movement in multiple contexts defines, creates, and perpetuates narrative and culture. As
a writing intensive course, students can expect to research and reflect on observed and
experienced movement-based phenomena. This course will be taught in the context of the
art and architecture initiative with the Lugano Dance Project. Students will have the
opportunity to participate in events taking place at LAC. No previous knowledge of
movement, dance, or theatre is necessary.
- Teacher: Andra Yount