Assignment 8: MOCK Interviews

Assignment 8: MOCK Interviews

von Carol Switzer -
Anzahl Antworten: 1
Instructions and expectations for this assignment are posted on Moodle.  Check inside the assignment to find the Interview Report, the Mock Interview Evaluation Form, and General Guidelines for Mock Interviews. The Interview Report can be adapted to your needs, so be creative and ensure that the form encapsulates information that is important to you about the interview.  

As you set up your interviews, please let me know when with whom prior to the date of your interview. Do not wait - it takes time to organize dates with people and you all have busy schedules too.

If you need help finding people, or have identified someone and would like support in contacting them, let me know by the end of next week.

Have fun!


Als Antwort auf Carol Switzer

Re: Assignment 8: MOCK Interviews

von Carol Switzer -

Here is one way to approach requesting a mock interview (there are other ways too, you can be creative):

  1. Identify an active professional with experience hiring people that you believe could give you valuable tips on interviewing skills.
  2. Ask if the person you've identified is willing to conduct a mock interview with you. Attached is a sample email requesting a mock interview that you can adapt if you wish
  3. If they agree, send the guidelines, your CV, and a sample job that you will be "mock applying" for
  4. If they do not agree or don't answer, repeat these steps.

Informational interviews are different: you do not need to ask them to evaluate your interviewing skills, so no guidelines, no evaluation form. The person should be someone who can give you information about a an industry, a job, or a skillset that is of interest to you. When contacting someone for an informational interview, be sure you have a scope: what do you want from this person? Why have you contacted them?

For each interview, submit an interview report.

Have a good week,